My New Book, “Blindsided By His Betrayal” is out on Kindle

My New Book, “Blindsided By His Betrayal” is out on Kindle

My New Book, Blindsided By His Betrayal is out on Kindle!

I wrote this book after many wives told me that they read  After a Good Man Cheats: How to Rebuild Trust & Intimacy With Your Wife and benefited from the parts that described the roller coaster of emotions a woman feels following the discovery of the affair.

My publisher, Train of Thought Press has priced this book at 99 Cents for a limited time. 

If you read and benefit from Blindsided By His Betrayal or any of my other books, please consider posting a short review. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated.

You’re scared. Angry. Obsessive. Devastated.

One minute, you hope your marriage will make it. The next minute, you want to kill him. (And the other woman, too.)

All of this makes you feel like you are losing it. Sometimes you worry that you are going crazy. You wonder if you’ll ever be the same again.

You are NOT crazy! You are having a normal reaction to being blindsided by your husband’s betrayal! Your reactions are completely rational and expected responses to such a painful experience.

This book will help you figure out what to do as you deal with these explosive emotions. It’s important that you understand that your feelings–erratic and unpredictable as they may be–are normal. You need to understand why you feel the things you feel and what to do with those feelings.

Caroline Madden, infidelity expert and marriage therapist describes:

Posttraumatic Affair Syndrome (PTAS)
*7 Actions you want to take but should NOT (as They May Backfire Horribly)
*Understand the thoughts that plague you
*12 Actions that will help you get back to the woman you were
*The stupid things your husband says and why he says it