Clarity Session-Stay or Go?

Clarity Session-Stay or Go?

You found out that your partner cheated on you. Your world is upside down. The person you normally go to for advice and support is the very person you can’t trust anymore-your partner.

“Only weak women stay with a cheater” yet it isn’t so black & white, is it? You love him. You’re not sure if you want the relationship to end. But you don’t want to be a fool.

“Fool me once, shame on you

Fool me twice, shame on me

In one 90-minute clarity minute session. I provide the criteria you need to make the best decision for you (and your kids) to stay and try to rebuild…or to go and cut your losses.

I’ve made a career out of helping relationships survive and thrive after infidelity. I know the different between a good man who has made poor decisions (who may deserve a second chance) and an asshole cheater (who will only break your heart again).

Email me at therapyburbank (at) for more info.

Cost $350/90 minute clarity session.